
Heinz (continued page 1)

Things began to look up for Germany because the Americans had as yet not arrived in telling numbers at the Western Front and there would be soon some two million battlehardened German troops released from the east and available in the west for a final push. Paris was in panic and very drastic measures had to be applied to prevent mutiny in the French army.

Here now rises the curtain over the second act of Jewish treachery against Germany--this time unfortunately in Germany proper. This is the story: After the German army had driven the Russians out of Germany and Austrian Galicia it drove them out of Russian Poland and Ukraine. The Jews, in Poland a major part of the population, became fearful of the traditional severe anti-Semitism in those parts, especially since the Germans had the plan to create a new Polish state at the end of the war with Russia. A massive movement of Galician Jews, most of them being Austrian citizens, began their trek westward into Austria, mainly Vienna, whence they could freely enter Germany. A few thousands in the beginning swelled to hundreds of thousands towards and after the end of the war. Among the first arrivals there was a disproportionate amount of Communist agitators which wormed its way into Germany's Socialist movement, which already was dominated by Jewish intellectuals. In Germany, because of the Allied blockade, the suffering of the civilian population had already become severe and demoralizing and exactly after the Russians were forced to sign the peace-treaty of Brest-Litowsk, the unions struck a mortal blow to Germany's war effort by striking the munition factories. The planned offensive was thereby sufficiently delayed to permit the Americans to arrive with their unlimited supplies and after another year of hopeless resistance and president Wilson's reasonable sounding peace offer, revolution broke out in Germany.

The war was lost and in Versailles Wilson's proposals were wiped off the table and a peace was dictated to the newly formed German democracy, the insanity of which doomed it to an early demise at the day of its birth. The Communists under their Jewish leadership (Liebknecht, Luxemburg, Toller, Eisner, Radek, Kuhn, etc) started bloody uprisings in Berlin, Munich and Hungary. Hostages, including women, were being taken and murdered, thousands were dying in street fights with police and gendarmes. Toller, leader of the Red Army which formed in Bavaria, recommended that most Germans should be gassed (aha!) and received congratulations and promises of help from Lenin personally. The new Socialist president, Ebert, was finally forced to call on the remnants of the German army, and with the help of the newly formed Freikorps (mostly patriotic former members of the army), the Bolsheviks along with the incursions of Poles across the newly enforced German borders were finally defeated. It should be emphasized at this point that nearly all the leaders of the Communist terrorists were foreign Jews. During the accelerating inflation certain businessmen and well connected financiers, again the majority being Jewish, were able to amass fortunes, which helped the rise of anti-Semitism in the country suffering from defeat and incredible hunger, thanks to the continuing British blockade, which was prolonged for one year after the armistice and caused the deaths of approximately 800,000 Germans, mostly women and infants.

When the populace observed newly-rich Jewesses in their fancy fur coats, bedecked with jewelry, entering expensive nightclubs with their escorts while veterans with missing arms or legs are sitting on the sidewalks, shivering in their worn uniforms and trying to sell some pencils or whatnot to earn a few pennies for their modest needs, it did not go over too well with them, even if the majority of the professional Jews, professors, engineers, doctors, government employees, etc., shared the misery with the rest of the people. My mother's father, a retired small businessman, made the mistake to invest his savings in English industrial stocks long before the war and lost every penny of it when, after the war, the English, like all the other "victors," stole every bit of private German property they could lay their hands on. The Americans got away with "taking-over" all German patents and sold them to the public at a dollar apiece. An acquaintance of mine, Dr. Becker, a German immigrant chemist, bought a sufficiently large amount of them to found Allied Chemical Corp. on the basis of their content. The last time I visited him, in 1941, he was still president of Allied and resided in an incredibly beautiful, Roman style villa in Bolton-Landing on the shore of Lake George in upstate New York. A further boost to the rising anti-Semitism was given by a rash of large scale financial scandals caused by recent Jewish arrivals. Names like Barmat, Sklarek, Kutisker, Levy, Lewin were as well recognized by the public of those days as Boesky and Milken are today. Most of them wound up in jail and did not become lecturers on financial operations after short stints of incarceration as seems fashionable in our day. But massive damage had been done, not only to the tottering finances of the Reich but also to the standing of the Jewish community in Germany.

The first victim of the rising tide of anti-Jewish sentiment was the foreign minister of Germany, Walther Rathenau. He was machine-gunned by two former army officers on the way to his office on June 24, 1922. They considered him to be the leading representative of a policy which played into the hands of Germany's enemies by acquiescing in the ridiculous and deadly demands of the Versaille Dictate. In fact there was at that time very little else he could have done. His father was an outstanding engineer and industrialist who founded the German Edison Society which later became German General Electric. The son, Walther, became a top industrialist who founded several corporations in Germany and Switzerland and eventually took over the presidency of General Electric after his father's death. During the war he distinguished himself by organizing the supply of raw materials for the war effort, while being in charge of the corresponding department of the German ministry of war. After the revolution he entered government service and became Germany's foreign minister. His murder was not only a senseless crime but also caused a serious setback to the nationalistic cause, because of the general revulsion against this deed among even the most nationalistic circles.

The invasion of the industrial Ruhr Valley by 80,000 to 100,000 French troops, in January 1923, because of lagging tribute deliveries, as well as the total collapse of the German mark (in November 1923 it took 4.2 trillion--not billion!--marks to buy one dollar) revitalized the nationalistic movement, which culminated in Hitler's reach for power on November 9th, 1923. In the meantime, however, the bankers in New York and London had reluctantly come to the conclusion that it would be far easier to milk a live cow than a dead one. The Americans, who knew that it was hopeless to get repaid by their European allies for the enormous credits they had granted the latter to keep them in the war until they could be salvaged by the arrival of American troops, began to grant large credits to Germany under still onerous and normally unacceptable conditions. With these credits Germany was able to stabilize the mark at its pre-war value of 4.20 marks to the dollar.

The Hitler putsch was betrayed and defeated and Hitler was sentenced to five years imprisonment, but was released after less than one year. During his captivity he wrote, with the assistance of Rudolf Hess, Mein Kampf which, with the exception of the Bible, had the largest edition of any book previously printed. Unfortunately, as with the Bible, too few of its purchasers read it, but considering the present disastrous worldwide conditions this might yet be remedied in the not too distant future. Hitler had decided to attempt his quest for power by totally legal means, a decision from which he never wavered and which in the end lead him to success, all negative propaganda to the contrary. Starting with the year 1924 a slow but steady recovery began. During 1926 the last French troops left the Ruhr Valley region, but occupation of the Rhineland lasted until June 1930.

During the Weimar years many outstanding performers in concerts and theater as well as scientists were Jewish, but they never dominated and were more than balanced by Germans of equal or superior stature. In literature, however, in the arts as well as in the left-leaning part of the press their influence became all encompassing and pernicious. With it, the deterioration of civility, speech and social behavior became endemic. Nothing, of course, compared with what we are witnessing today, but one must remember that seventy years ago the standards of propriety were vastly different when compared with the present. The constant assault on the sensibilities and moral values which were held dear by the majority of patriotic Germans created a backlash within the parties from the center to the radical right. "Anti-Semitism" was again on the rise.

After the 1929 crash of the New York stock exchange most of the credits to Germany were called in and a world-wide depression began. Millions of Germans lost their jobs, the payments to the enemy countries had to continue and the political situation became progressively chaotic. By the end of 1932 Germany counted over six and a half million unemployed, about one third of the total workforce! The Communist Party, over three million strong including an armed organization, thought its day had come and began frequent attacks on rightist groups which developed into regular street battles. Together with the Social Democrats, who also commanded a large quasi-military organization, they had still 37.8% of the voters behind them, but the National Socialists, with 33.6%, had become by far the largest party of the Reich.

On January 31, 1933, with a Bolshevik uprising only weeks, perhaps days, away, Hitler, as leader of the largest party, was constitutionally named Reichs Chancellor. The most remarkable part about the following national "revolution" is the fact that it was totally orderly and bloodless. A few especially obnoxious leaders of the extreme left were locked up and perhaps got a well earned beating from overly enthusiastic stormtroopers, who remembered their murdered comrades. If I am wrong about this, please name me one prominent victim of this "terror." When on February 27, 1933 a Communist succeeded in setting fire to the Reichstag building in Berlin, the Communist Party was outlawed and the top leaders were arrested. Any claim that the National Socialists set the fire is typical lying propaganda. Today this is even admitted in Jewish-ruled Germany! During the following fall a trial was held in Germany's highest court against the admitted arsonist and the Communist hierarchy. One Bulgarian Communist, Dimitroff, of postwar fame, had a field day in court by insulting Hermann Göring, but in the end all of them were acquitted except the arsonist. The highest court in National Socialist Germany could not produce sufficient evidence to tie the Communist élite to the crime which was certainly committed in their name. Compare this with the Jewish-run show trials in Moscow, Compare this with the Jewish-run show trials in Moscow, the lynchfest in Nuremberg and the Jerusalem lynching of Eichmann (who did not heed the warnings about his impending abduction, because "the Jews will not do anything against me, after what I have done for them during the war"). The above story about the acquitted Communists has an ironic ending: They all took off for Moscow, being afraid that some of the stalwart stormtroopers might not be too happy with the result of the trial and take matters into their own hands to amend the judgment in a way more suitable to their ideas. In Moscow they found several things not quite to their taste and, in typical German fashion, they did not keep their mouths shut and voiced some criticisms. In typical Russian fashion they were put into the slammer. After the end of the Polish war, when the Russian and German armies met, still cordially, they were unceremoniously handed over to the Gestapo. What happened thereafter, I do not know.

What was the situation of the German Jews at that point? The first blow came from abroad. World Jewry declared war on Germany. This was no idle threat. It is true that the Jews at that time did not control the most powerful army in the world as in our day when they exert nearly total domination over the deployment of forces of the United States. But neither did the Germans possess an army which could become a threat to anybody somewhat larger than Grenada or maybe Panama. Germany faced the most disastrous economical condition in its history and was completely dependent on foreign trade in order just to feed the population. Any successful boycott of its foreign trade would greatly exacerbate this already dangerous situation and could even lead to widespread starvation. At first the German reaction to riotous, Jewish-led, anti-German demonstrations abroad was a government-decreed one day (!) boycott of Jewish stores which had been marked overnight with stars of David. Never at any time, neither then nor today, did National Socialists mark Jewish properties of any kind with swastikas, because this would be considered a desecration of their revered symbol. The most astonishing result of this boycott was the revelation of the unbelievably large number of big and small businesses in Jewish hands. Had the German-Jewish community voiced a unanimous and vociferous protest against the action of their co-religionists throughout the world, they would have avoided, in my opinion, some of the harsher measures soon to come. It must, however, be understood and firmly remembered, that Jews with regard to one characteristic are and act vastly superior when compared with most other white populations. It is their unflinching racial cohesion, which makes them Jews first and anything else second. This leads them to actions which might be at first thought detrimental to their interests, but which have resulted over more than two thousand years in their survival in a largely hostile world.

The next anti-Jewish measure was the Arierparagraph, which eliminated non-Aryans from all government positions. Everybody with one quarter or more Jewish background was consider non-Aryan. Exempt from this law were all Jews who had fought for Germany in the World War or had lost sons during that war or who already held government positions before that war. Certain exemptions for meritorious individuals could be granted. All non-Aryans in government positions had to be retired (not fired!) with their pensions forthcoming. Businesses, large or small, were not effected; doctors could continue their practices but were not compensated for treating patients insured under the government-run health plan. Many, many--including high party officials--stayed with their Jewish family doctors who had treated them for a long time. The number of university students of three-quarter or all-Jewish ancestry were limited to the percentage of their numbers in the populace. Still pretty good, when compared with the experience of deserving whites under our Jewish-imposed affirmative action. Students with one-half or less Jewish ancestry were under no restrictions at all, and even had, at a later date, to join the nationalist student organization. They were not permitted to join the SA or SS. Joining a national organization became, in effect, obligatory for all Aryan students.

The immediate effect on the private lives of most Jews was in the beginning only minimal. Some personal experiences will show this. Since my early teens I had been an avid gun lover. In Austria, where we lived at the time, there were in effect no restrictions on the possession of handguns or rifles. If there were, they certainly were not enforced. At the age of fifteen I could walk into one of the finest gunshops in Vienna and purchase any weapon in the store, as long as I had the necessary money. Unfortunately I didn't, but after some time I had scraped together a sufficient amount to start my modest collection by acquiring three low-priced handguns. Shortly thereafter, in 1929, we moved to Berlin. In Germany, under the Weimar Republic, one had to register each gun with the police. There were no restrictions on the possession except if you wanted to carry them. In this case you had to have a hunting license which required a lengthy course in gun handling, marksmanship, game laws and handling of bagged game. The police had absolutely no say or power to refuse you the ownership of your guns when you came to register. It was a purely bureaucratic measure which enabled the police to trace a gun involved in a criminal action.

My guns were registered in the name of my (Jewish) mother, who had contributed the money for their original purchase, because I was only fifteen years old and could not own firearms until I reached maturity (21 yrs). After Hitler came to power, nothing was changed in the existing gun regulations; nobody had to turn in the registered guns--period. My mother still had them on the day of her immigration to the US (May 1941) and gave them to a friend of mine because importation of firearms was prohibited under US law.

The laxness with which the existing firearm laws were enforced was clearly demonstrated in the days after the Reichstag fire, when most people feared an imminent Communist uprising. Suddenly untold numbers of veterans or members of patriotic organizations were seen walking around, proudly displaying their wartime military Mausers or Parabellums strapped to their sometimes paunchy bellies. After a while, after the communist threat had been eliminated, they were politely reminded that carrying of firearms in public was against the law and the guns were put back into drawers at home. The sale of ammunition was never restricted.

Suddenly a longtime dream of mine seemed to come true: the ownership of a genuine Parabellum in good condition. One of my friends had heard of a deal where members of the many existing nationalistic party organizations, could purchase retired army pistols in lots of one hundred at a price of fifteen marks per gun. The price of a new Parabellum was one hundred and fifty marks in those days, which was about the monthly income of a lowly worker, if he had a job. My search for prospective customers was frantic. By charging an extra mark for my services I had to sell only fifteen guns to earn sufficient money for the purchase of a gun for myself! Alas, the dream was of short duration. Some envious or overzealous citizen felt obliged to inform the authorities of my dreamy deal. It was followed by the famous knock on the door, and on opening I faced three agents of the secret police (Gestapo). No hands in the pockets groping for hidden arms, no shouted orders or threats, only showing of identifications and the polite question if I had any firearms at home and if they could see them. I asked them in, got my guns and asked my mother to show the registration receipts. The disappointment of the rather mildmannered gentlemen at the measly display was obvious and they asked about the whereabouts of one hundred Parabellums which I was suspected to harbor. My heart sank and I told them about my, now surely aborted, hoped-for big deal, which as yet had not been consummated. They looked greatly relieved and the man in charge said that a perfunctory search of our premises was in order. No drawers were ripped out and emptied, nothing was displaced or damaged--only a short look under beds into armoirs and storage cabinets. When they were ready to leave the man in charge spotted a letter on the table with a Jewish-sounding name of the sender and being obviously informed about my mother's racial background he very kindly admonished her that because of the new conditions prevalent to be especially careful and not to break any of the existing laws. With that they apologized for the inconvenience they had caused and left. My loaded guns remained on the table.

In order fully to appreciate this story you must remember that the Parabellum was at the time still the most powerful and sophisticated military handgun on the European market. Today's equivalent would be a fully automatic MP5 or Ingram. Just imagine somebody informing our democratic government that I was stocking one hundred of those, possibly intending to sell them to some shady characters harboring racist or otherwise non-PC views. Can't you just hear Janet Reno screaming and ordering her trigger-happy minions into action. The roar of armored trucks loaded with SWAT teams in full battledress would be deafening and reinforced by the clatter of a helicopter-gunships hovering overhead, in case any difficulties should develop. The headlines would shout: Gun Crazy Rightist Has Arsenal Endangering His Neighborhood! Governor Might Call In National Guard! Remember the recent actions of our government in the case of a man who sold a shotgun, allegedly one quarter inch shorter than the law permits, to an undercover agent, which resulted in the deaths of a mother holding a baby in her arms, one un-armed child, the family dog and a marshal. Or the one involving a religious nut who could have been arrested any day by a single cop while the former attended to his shopping in the local supermarket. Result: about eighty people, mostly women and children, incinerated alive. I think my imagined scenario above is an understatement.

My next run-in with the authorities of the Third Reich happened about three years later and was a bit more ominous. I had just received the notification that my application for voluntary service in the newly-recruited army had been definitely denied and I was understandably very bitter because service in the armed forces was considered an honor and privilege, not an onerous duty. Instead of swallowing my badly injured pride I complained to everybody who would listen to me, ending my complaints with the caustic question: Why me, when even the top general of the Luftwaffe, Erhard Milch, had a Jewish father? Well it didn't take very long for the knock at the door. This time I faced three members of the Algemeine-SS. The situation was made more serious by my little Dachshund. She had a dislike for tall men in black uniform and immediately attacked the intruders, loudly barking and snapping. The SS retreated a few steps until I had taken control of the objecting animal. Precautionary shooting of pet animals was definitely not PC in Hitler's Germany. Besides, no member of a uniformed organization, except army and police, was ever permitted to carry firearms publicly in order to emphasize their non-military character. After the three men had entered our apartment, I was severely admonished for spreading insulting rumors about high-level army officers. All I could say was that I was absolutely sure that the father of General Erhard Milch was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Dessau, home of the famous Junkers aircraft works. I will never forget the stunned expressions on the faces of the three as they left, this time without apologies, in a huff. I did not hear from them again. Of course I knew that the statement to which they objected was true.

Another little story which characterizes the official attitude for behavior towards Jews was told to my by a very good friend. As a member of the stormtroops, he had to attend weekly meetings of his troop for political indoctrination and other matters. In Germany, as well as in most European countries, it was the custom that children and young men ceded their seats in crowded trains when a lady or elderly adult entered and could not find a seat. During one meeting of the troop the members were reminded to adhere to this rule and a wise guy asked the tricky question of what to do if the lady or elderly adult was obviously Jewish? After a short silence for reflection, the (pardon the expression) solomonic judgment was forthcoming: "Stormtroopers, in order to avoid this embarrassing situation, remain standing in trains which were apt to be crowded!" To some nice old Jewish lady I strongly recommend a ride on the New York subway or any other public conveyance.